"The youth performances this year gave me faith in the future of humanity. Moving, empathetic, even hilarious when needs be, the shows underscored a layered depth of awareness often lacking in ages beyond those of the performers on stage." - The Torontoist
Thank you Summerworks for bringing us to the biggest stage we have performed so far! We had a blast! NOW Magazine included us in their Best of Summerworks 2016 list and The Torontoist listed us as a highlight alongside other youth performances in the festival Nize It and Amanah! It's been one crazy summer for SExT, but it is only the beginning! Stay tuned through our blog to be up to date on the future of the Sex Education by Theatre program and read some more great blogs from guest writers including SExT cast members! If you haven't already, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @SExTEdShow. More exciting things are just around the corner ...